Navalny Plaats
in Antwerpen


From Nameless to Navalny:
Renaming Peter the Great Square
in Honor of Aleksey Navalny

We are deeply convinced that “Navalny Plaats” is needed not only by those who support the spontaneous memorial. In our opinion, there are at least five main reasons why the people of Antwerp, as citizens of the world, should support this project.

Firstly, the people of Antwerp have traditionally guarded democratic values and human rights. By keeping the memory of Alexei Navalny in the topography of the city, we will emphasis our solidarity with those who fight against authoritarianism.

Secondly, “Navalny Plaats” will not only commemorate him, but will also allow our community to learn more about the ongoing struggle against corruption and authoritarianism in Russia. We, as a community, will show solidarity with those Russians who wish a European way of development for their country.   

Adhering to European values means always speaking out against injustice wherever it occurs. Commemorating Navalny, who has spoken out strongly against Russian military aggression, is another way for the people of Antwerp to support Ukraine and its people. 

Our collective voice can bring change to international politics. By honoring Navalny’s memory and condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we show political leaders that the people of Antwerp are actively involved in defending human rights and promoting the rule of ethical principles.

Finally, supporting the project enriches our community by engaging it in important global discussions and recognizes the historical importance of the struggle for freedom and justice. It is an opportunity to unite the city’s residents through shared values of humanism and humanity.  

We believe that the appearance of “Navalny Plaats” on the city map will be another way to keep a reminder of the ideas of humanism, the value of freedom and democratic principles for our children. Such places allow us to talk about people who suffered for their beliefs but did not give up on them. We are confident that this helps to form individuals who are not indifferent, courageous, and open to dialogue. 

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636 signatures